Starting CS-Studio/Phoebus

For build instructions, refer to the on

For pre-built binaries, see

From the command-line, invoke -help, which will look similar to this, but check your copy of CS-Studio/Phoebus for the complete list:

 _______           _______  _______  ______            _______
(  ____ )|\     /|(  ___  )(  ____ \(  ___ \ |\     /|(  ____ \
| (    )|| )   ( || (   ) || (    \/| (   ) )| )   ( || (    \/
| (____)|| (___) || |   | || (__    | (__/ / | |   | || (_____
|  _____)|  ___  || |   | ||  __)   |  __ (  | |   | |(_____  )
| (      | (   ) || |   | || (      | (  \ \ | |   | |      ) |
| )      | )   ( || (___) || (____/\| )___) )| (___) |/\____) |
|/       |/     \|(_______)(_______/|/ \___/ (_______)\_______)

Command-line arguments:

   -help                                   -  This text
   -splash                                 -  Show splash screen
   -nosplash                               -  Suppress the splash screen
   -settings settings.xml                  -  Import settings from file, either exported XML or property file format
   -export_settings settings.xml           -  Export settings to file
   -logging             -  Load log settings
   -list                                   -  List available application features
   -server port                            -  Create instance server on given TCP port
   -app probe                              -  Launch an application with input arguments
   -resource  /tmp/example.plt             -  Open an application configuration file with the default application
   -layout /path/to/Example.memento        -  Start with the specified saved layout instead of the default 'memento'
   -clean                                  -  Start with a blank workspace. Overrides -app, -resource and -layout.
   -main org.package.Main                  -  Run alternate application Main

Command Line Parameters for Applications

To open an application feature like “probe” or the “pv_tree” from the command line, use the following example parameters.

Open empty instance of probe: -app probe

Open empty PV Table: -app pv_table

Open a file with the appropriate application feature (PV Table in this case): -resource "/path/to/example.pvs"

The ‘-resource’ parameter can be a URI for a file or web link: -resource ""

Some resource types are supported by multiple applications. For example, a display file “my_display.bob” can be handled by both the “display_runtime” and the “display_editor” application. A preference setting “org.phoebus.ui/default_apps” defines which application will be used by default, and a specific application can be requested like this: -resource "/path/to/my_display.bob?app=display_editor"

The schema ‘pv://?PV1&PV2&PV3’ is used to pass PV names, and the ‘app=..’ query parameter picks a specific app for opening the resource.

Since such resource URLs can contain characters like & that would also be interpreted by the Linux shell, best enclose all resources in quotes.

Open probe with a PV name: -resource "pv://?sim://sine&app=probe"

Open PV Table with some PVs: -resource "pv://?MyPV&AnotherPV&YetAnotherPV&app=pv_table"

Note that all these examples use the internal name of the application feature, for example “pv_table”, and not the name that is displayed the user interface, like “PV Table”. Use the -list option to see the names of all available application features.

Start with a specific layout: -layout /path/to/mylayout.memento

Restores the layout saved in a (non-default) memento file. User may create such a file from menu option Window -> Save Layout As…

Start with clean workspace: -clean

This will suppress restore of the layout saved in the default memento file in order to start the application with an empty workspace. If specified, -resource, -app and -layout will be ignored.

Server Mode

By default, each invocation of ... will start a new instance, with its own main window etc.

In a control room environment it is often advantageous to run only one instance on a given computer. For this scenario, invoke with the -server option, using a TCP port that you reserve for this use on that computer, for example: -server 4918

The first time you start phoebus this way, it will actually open the main window. Follow-up invocations, for example: -server 4918 -resource "/path/to/some/file.pvs"

will contact the already running instance and have it open the requested file.