Save-and-restore service

The save-and-restore service implements service as a collection of REST endpoints. These can be used by clients to manage configurations (aka save sets) and snapshots, to compare snapshots and to restore PV values from snapshots.

The service is packaged as a self-contained Spring Boot jar file. External dependencies are limited to a JVM (Java 17+) and a running instance of Elasticsearch (8.x).

Running the service

The file lists a few settings that can be customized to each site’s need, e.g. connection parameters for Elasticsearch.

Server-side IOC communication

The service exposes endpoints for reading and writing PVs, i.e. to create or restore snapshots. Depending on the setup this server-side IOC communication may need some configuration:

For ca (channel access) the service must be started with the -Dca.use_env=true Java option, and the list of gateways - if any - must be set as a system environment named EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST.

For pva (pv access) the service must be started with the -DdefaultProtocol=pva Java option, and the list of gateways - if any - must be set as a system environment named EPICS_PVA_ADDR_LIST.

Elasticsearch setup

There is no need to manually created the Elasticsearch indices as these are created by the application if they do not yet exist.

REST API for Save Restore Service

Swagger UI

A Swagger UI is by default available on .../swagger-ui/index.html. This should be considered the reference documentation of the API endpoints.


Data is arranged such that is can be rendered in a tree structure, where each node is of a specific type. See below for details. A root node is always available and cannot be deleted.

Each node is uniquely identified through an UUID id. The root node’s unique id is always 44bef5de-e8e6-4014-af37-b8f6c8a939a2.

REST end-points documented below can be used to locate particular nodes, or traverse the tree by listing child nodes.

Node types


A folder node is a container for folder and configuration nodes. The root node is a folder node.


A configuration node is essentially a set of PVs defining what data to put in a snapshot. Configuration nodes must be created in folder nodes, though not in the root node.

For each such PV “item” one may also specify:

  • a read-back PV

  • flag to indicate if the PV should restored in a restore operation


A snapshot node consists of a list of PV values at a particular instant in time. To take a snapshot the client must point to a configuration defining this list of PVs (and optionally read-back PVs). In other words, when saving a snapshot the client must specify the unique id of the associated configuration node.

Composite Snapshot:

An aggregation of snapshot nodes and/or other composite snapshot nodes. The referenced nodes must exist in order to be able to create a composite snapshot. Moreover, a snapshot node cannot be deleted if it is referenced in a composite snapshot.

REST Services

The service is implemented as a REST style web service, which – in this context – means:

• The URL specifies the data element that the operation works upon.
• The HTTP method specifies the type of operation.
GET: retrieve an element, does not modify data
PUT: create an element
POST: update the addressed element
DELETE: delete the addressed element

Node Management

Get a node


Method: GET

Return: The details of the node with id {uniqueNodeId}

    "uniqueId": "ae9c3d41-5aa0-423d-a24e-fc68712b0894",
    "name": "CSX",
    "created": 1623701056000,
    "lastModified": 1623780701000,
    "nodeType": "FOLDER",
    "userName": "kunal",
    "tags": []

Nodes of type CONFIGURATION and SNAPSHOT will also have a description field.

A special case is the root node as it has a fixed unique id:


Create a new node

…/node?parentNodeId=<parent’s node id>

Method: PUT


    "name": "New_Node_Camera",
    "nodeType": "CONFIGURATION",
    "userName": "kunal"

nodeType: “CONFIGURATION” or “FOLDER”. The request parameter parentNodeId is mandatory and must identify an existing folder node.

The nodeType can be used to specify if we want to create a new folder or a new configuration.

Return: If the node was successfully created you will a 200 response with the details of the newly created node

    "uniqueId": "c4302cfe-60e2-46ec-bf2b-dcd13c0ef4c0",
    "name": "New_Node_Camera",
    "created": 1625837873000,
    "lastModified": 1625837873000,
    "nodeType": "CONFIGURATION",
    "userName": "kunal",
    "tags": []

Update a node


Method: POST

Return: The updated node.

    "uniqueId": "ae9c3d41-5aa0-423d-a24e-fc68712b0894",
    "name": "new name",
    "description": "new description",
    "created": 1623701056000,
    "lastModified": 1623780701000,
    "nodeType": "CONFIGURATION",
    "userName": "kunal",
    "tags": []

Updates an existing node with respect to its name or description, or both. The nodeType cannot be updated.

Delete nodes


Method: DELETE

Caller must specify a body, which is a list of the unique ids of the nodes subject to deletion:

["id_1", "id_2",...., "id_n"]

Note that deletion is recursive and non-reversible:

  • Deleting a configuration node will also delete all associated snapshot nodes.

  • Deleting a folder node will delete also delete all nodes in its sub-tree.

Get a node’s parent


Method: GET

Return: The details of the parent node of the node with id {uniqueNodeId}

Get children


Method: GET

Return: The a list of all the children nodes of the node with id {uniqueNodeId}

        "uniqueId": "8cab9311-0c77-4307-a508-a33677ecc631",
        "name": "Camera",
        "created": 1623701073000,
        "lastModified": 1625836981000,
        "nodeType": "CONFIGURATION",
        "userName": "kunal",
        "tags": []
        "uniqueId": "3aa5baa3-8386-4a74-84bb-5fdd9afccc7f",
        "name": "ROI",
        "created": 1623780701000,
        "lastModified": 1623780701000,
        "nodeType": "CONFIGURATION",
        "userName": "kunal",
        "tags": []

Get a configuration

To get a configuration node the client should call the end-point associated with getting nodes of any type:


where uniqueNodeId identifies the configuration node.

The actual configuration data associated with a configuration node is maintained in a separate Elasticsearch index and is accessible through:


where uniqueNodeId identifies the configuration node.

Method: GET

Return: object describing the configuration data, essentially a list of PVs.

    "uniqueId": "89886b32-bb2e-4336-8eea-375c0a955cad",
    "pvList": {
                "pvName": "13SIM1:{SimDetector-Cam:1}cam1:BinX"
                "pvName": "13SIM1:{SimDetector-Cam:1}cam1:BinY"
                "pvName": "13SIM1:{SimDetector-Cam:2}cam2:BinX",
                "readbackPvName": null,
                "readOnly": false
                "pvName": "13SIM1:{SimDetector-Cam:2}cam2:BinY",
                "readbackPvName": null,
                "readOnly": false

Here the uniqueId field matches the unqiueId field of the configuration node.

Create a configuration

…/config?parentNodeId=<parent’s node id>

Method: PUT

Return: an object representing the saved configuration. This object is of the same type as the body sent in the request, with additional data set by the service, e.g. the unique id of the created configuration node.


    "configurationNode": {
         "name": "New_Configuration",
         "nodeType": "CONFIGURATION",
         "userName": "kunal"
    "configurationData": {
        "pvList": {
                    "pvName": "13SIM1:{SimDetector-Cam:1}cam1:BinX"
                    "pvName": "13SIM1:{SimDetector-Cam:1}cam1:BinY"
                    "pvName": "13SIM1:{SimDetector-Cam:2}cam2:BinX",
                    "readbackPvName": null,
                    "readOnly": false
                    "pvName": "13SIM1:{SimDetector-Cam:2}cam2:BinY",
                    "readbackPvName": null,
                    "readOnly": false

The request parameter parentNodeId is mandatory and must identify an existing folder node. The client needs to specify a name for the new configuration node, as well as a user identity.

Update a configuration


Method: POST

This endpoint works in the same manner as the for the PUT method, i.e. the body and return value are the same. However, in this case the uniqueNodeId must identify an existing configuration node.

The body can specify a new name or description, or both. On top of that the list of PVs can be updated. It should be noted though that the specified list will replace the existing one, i.e. all PVs that must remain in the updated configuration data must be listed in the body. Any PVs in the existing configuration data missing from the body will be removed.

Snapshot Endpoints

Get a snapshot

To get a snapshot node the client should call the end-point associated with getting nodes of any type:


where uniqueNodeId identifies the snapshot node.

The actual snapshot data associated with a snapshot node is maintained in a separate Elasticsearch index and is accessible through:


where uniqueNodeId identifies the snapshot node.

Method: GET

Return: object describing the snapshot data, essentially a list of PVs and the persisted values.

            "configPv": {

To be noted: the value field is a serialized version of the underlying EPICS PV objects. The contents of this field will hence depend on the EPICS record type and its properties.

Save a snapshot

…/snapshot?parentNodeId=<parent’s node id>

Method: PUT

Return: an object representing the saved snapshot. This object is of the same type as the body sent in the request, with additional data set by the service, e.g. the unique id of the created snapshot node.


    "snapshotNode": {
         "name": "New_Snapshot",
         "nodeType": "SNAPSHOT",
         "userName": "kunal"
    "snapshotData": {
                "configPv": {

The request parameter parentNodeId is mandatory and must identify an existing configuration node. This configuration node must be the configuration node associated with the snapshot, i.e. must specify the list of PVs contained in the snapshot. The client needs to specify a name for the new snapshot node, as well as a user identity.

Composite Snapshot Endpoints

Get a composite snapshot

To get a composite snapshot node the client should call the end-point associated with getting nodes of any type:


where uniqueNodeId identifies the composite snapshot node.

The actual composite snapshot data associated with a composite snapshot node is maintained in a separate Elasticsearch index and is accessible through:


where uniqueNodeId identifies the composite snapshot node.

Method: GET

Return: object describing the composite snapshot data, essentially a list of referenced snapshot and composite snapshot nodes.

  "uniqueId": "e80fba66-c7f0-453e-8cb6-12b22fa8c957",
  "referencedSnapshotNodes": [

Create a composite snapshot

…/composite-snapshot?parentNodeId=<parent’s node id>

Method: PUT

Return: an object representing the composite snapshot. This object is of the same type as the body sent in the request, with additional data set by the service, e.g. the unique id of the created composite snapshot node.


    "compositeSnapshotNode": {
         "name": "New_Composite_Snapshot",
         "nodeType": "COMPOSITE_SNAPSHOT",
         "userName": "johndoe"
    "referencedSnapshotNodes": {

Update a composite snapshot


Method: POST

This endpoint works in the same manner as the for the PUT method, i.e. the body and return value are the same. However, in this case the uniqueNodeId must identify an existing composite snapshot node.

The body can specify a new name or description, or both. On top of that the list of referenced snapshots can be updated. It should be noted though that the specified list will replace the existing one, i.e. all referenced snapshots that must remain in the updated composite snapshot data must be listed in the body. Any snapshots in the existing configuration data missing from the body will be removed.

Get restorable items of a composite snapshot


Method: GET

Return: a list of all snapshot items as persisted in the snapshots referenced by a composite snapshot.


    "configPv": {
      "pvName": "RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:OpMode",
      "readbackPvName": null,
      "readOnly": false
    "value": {
      "type": {
        "name": "VEnum",
        "version": 1
      "value": 0,
      "alarm": {
        "severity": "NONE",
        "status": "NONE",
        "name": "NONE"
      "time": {
        "unixSec": 1638905851,
        "nanoSec": 445854166
      "enum": {
        "labels": [
    "configPv": {
      "pvName": "RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:RFSyncDly-SP",
      "readbackPvName": null,
      "readOnly": false
    "value": {
      "type": {
        "name": "VDouble",
        "version": 1
      "value": 200.0,
      "alarm": {
        "severity": "NONE",
        "status": "NONE",
        "name": "NONE"
      "time": {
        "unixSec": 1638475923,
        "nanoSec": 703595298
      "display": {
        "units": ""
    "configPv": {
      "pvName": "RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:RFSyncWdt-SP",
      "readbackPvName": null,
      "readOnly": false
    "value": {
      "type": {
        "name": "VDouble",
        "version": 1
      "value": 100.0,
      "alarm": {
        "severity": "NONE",
        "status": "NONE",
        "name": "NONE"
      "time": {
        "unixSec": 1639063122,
        "nanoSec": 320431469
      "display": {
        "units": ""
    "configPv": {
      "pvName": "RFQ-010:RFS-EVR-101:SCDly",
      "readbackPvName": null,
      "readOnly": false
    "value": {
      "type": {
        "name": "VDouble",
        "version": 1
      "value": 493.2,
      "alarm": {
        "severity": "NONE",
        "status": "NONE",
        "name": "NONE"
      "time": {
        "unixSec": 1639209326,
        "nanoSec": 372407313
      "display": {
        "units": ""

Server Restore Endpoints

Restore from snapshot items


Method: POST

This endpoint allows you to send a list of SnapshotItem and the save-and-restore server will set the values of the PVs in your system to the values supplied. This allows restoring from clients which do not support EPICS access, for example web clients.


        "configPv": {

Return: A list of objects associated with PVs that could not be written for whatever reason. If the list is empty, all PVs in the snapshot were restored correctly.

    "snapshotItem": {
            "configPv": {
    "errorMsg": "Connection to PV 'COUNTER10' timed out after 5000ms."

Restore from snapshot node

…/restore/node?nodeId=<snapshot node id>

Method: POST

This is the same as the endpoint to restore from snapshot items, however it uses snapshot items from an existing node rather than providing them explicitly. It returns the same result.

Authentication and Authorization

All non-GET endpoints are subject to authentication, i.e. clients must send a basic authentication header. The service can be configured to delegate authentication to Active Directory or remote or local LDAP. For demo and test purposes hard coded credentials are found in the WebSecurityConfig class. See the file for information on how to select authentication method.

Two roles are defined, “sar-user” and “sar-admin”. The actual name of these roles can be customizable in, and must match role/group names in LDAP or Active Directory.

Authorization uses a role-based approach like so:

  • Unauthenticated users may read data, i.e. access GET endpoints.

  • Save-and-restore role “sar-user”:
    • Create and update configurations

    • Create and update snapshots

    • Create and update composite snapshots

    • Create and update filters

    • Create and update tags, except GOLDEN tag

    • Update and delete objects if user name matches object’s user id and:
      • Object is a snapshot node and not referenced in a composite snapshot node

      • Object is a composite snapshot node

      • Object is configuration or folder node with no child nodes

      • Object is a filter

      • Object is a tag

  • Save-and-restore role “sar-admin”: no restrictions

A client can may use the /login endpoint to check if user is authenticated:


Method: POST


{"username":"johndoe", "password":"undisclosed"}

Enabled authentication, disabled authorization

The application property authorization.permitall (default true) can be used to bypass all authorization. In this case authentication is still required for protected endpoints, but user need not be associated with a save-and-restore role/group.


From commit 48e17a380b660d59b79cec4d2bd908c0d78eeeae of the service code base the persistence layer is moved from RDB engine to Elasticsearch. Sites using save-and-restore with an RDB engine may migrate data using the below procedure.

Terminology: “source host” is the host running the legacy service instance using a RDB engine, while “target host” is the host that will be running the updated service.

Make sure the source host is running the legacy save-and-restore service.

Make sure the target host is running the Elasticsearch service, but not the save-and-restore service.

On the target host, launch the save-and-restore service using the -migrate program argument: java -jar /path/to/service-save-and-restore-<version>.jar -migrate http://<source host>:8080

Here it is assumed that the legacy save-and-restore service has been published on the (default) port 8080.

If Elasticsearch is not running on localhost:9200, then add Java VM arguments like so:<hostname>
