
Function categories


arrayDiv(VNumberArray array1, VNumberArray array2) - Returns a VNumberarray where each element is defined as array1[x] / array2[x]. The input arrays must be of equal length.

arrayDivScalar(VNumberArray array, VNumber denominator) - Returns a VNumberArray where each element is defined as array[x] / denominator.

arrayDivScalarInv(VNumber nominator, VNumberArray array) - Returns a VNumberArray where each element is defined as nominator / array[x].

arrayMult(VNumberArray array1, VNumberArray array2) - Returns a VNumberArray where each element is defined as array1[x] * array2[x]. The input arrays must be of equal length.

arrayOf([VString | VNumber]…) - Returns a VStringArray or VNumberArray depending on the input argument types. All elements of the input argument list must be either VString or VNumber.

arrayPow(VNumberArray array, VNumber exponent) - Returns a VNumberArray where each element is defined as pow(array[x], exponent).

arraySum(VNumberArray array, VNumber offset) - Returns a VNumberArray where each element is defined as array[x] + offset. To subtract, use negative offset.

elementAt([VNumberArray | VStringArray] array , VNumber index) - Returns a VNumber or VString at the specified index of the input array. If the index is invalid, a NaN or empty string is returned.

histogramOf(VNumberArray array [, VNumber binCount]) - Computes a histogram for the input array. The binCount argument is optional and defaults to 100.

scale(VNumberArray array, VNumber factor [,VNumber offset]) - Returns a VNumberArray where each element is defined as array[x] * factor [+ offset]. The offset is optional.

subArray([VNumberArray | VStringArray] array, VNumber fromIndex, VNumber toIndex) - Returns a VNumberArray or VStringArray that is a sub-array defined by the fromIndex and toIndex. The indexes must be valid, e.g. fromIndex > 0, fromIndex < toIndex etc.

arrayRangeOf(VNumberArray array) - Returns a Display Range of the given array This includes the display min, max

arrayStats(VNumberArray array) - Returns a VStatistic with the statistical information of the given array This includes the average, min, max, and element count

arrayMax(VNumberArray array) - Returns a VDouble with the greatest value of the given array

arrayMin(VNumberArray array) - Returns a VDouble with the smallest value of the given array